40 Times Tech Support Just Had To Laugh

Tech support workers see some crazy things, you guys. In a world completely dependent on technology, there are millions of people out there who run into hilarious problems every single day. And when that happens, who do you call? Here are 40 times all the tech support team could do was laugh.

40. What a tangled web we weave

Redditor and tech support agent “gr_vq” knew they had their work cut out for them with this tangled web of cables. So, they took the sensible option. They unplugged the whole lot, informed the client they wouldn’t be able to use the internet for a few hours and tidied the mess one wire after another. Heroic.

39. This power-board is screwed

Firstly, how filthy is that power-board? Seriously, someone clean that thing. Secondly, check out the pièce de résistance: it’s been screwed to the table leg. We’re going to go out on a limb and say that drilling a screw through a motherboard isn’t a great plan. If you want the thing to work, that is.

38. Burner phone

Look, we get it. Answering the phone at work’s a nuisance at best, and an endurance test in abject misery at worst. But that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to place the thing in an oven, especially not if you then give it to tech support to salvage it. It’s melted, buddy. That’s game over.

37. This is so far beyond repair it’s not even funny

We can’t even tell what this repair job was before it got mangled. Was it a laptop battery? A charger? It’s a mystery. To be honest, it reminds us of the Friends episode where Ross tries to exchange his couch, which has been cut in half, for one that’s not cut in half. We think it’s past the point of no return, dude.